Bad breath is atrocious in any way shape or form, and that is including your pets. Studies show that by age three, 80 percent of dogs exhibit signs of …
As a veterinary technician, heart worm disease is something I come across daily in my line of work. I mean who wants to think about their beloved pet suffering …
Running errands have become a part of our everyday lifestyle as is taking your furry friends for a car ride, but the two should never mix. Unfortunately pets suffer …
Nothing is worse than finding a surprise waiting under your pets furry coat. Finding new lumps and bumps can be worry some, but just how serious is it? Tumor? …
FACTS………. *The average number of litters a cat can have each year is 3 *In 7 years, one cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats *Cats with 8-10 …
“Why would I spend over $100 on blood-work for an animal?” That is the million dollar question. Pet owners need to be educated to understand the value of what …
If your pet is anything like mine, she is ALWAYS watching me eat! Which then makes me feel sorry for her so I give her a nibble of table …